Estimation functions |
Estimates the cumulative risk with time-varying predictors of censoring using inverse-probability weighted estimating functions |
Estimates the cumulative risk of a right-censored outcome using a g-computation estimator. |
Estimates the cumulative risk of a right-censored outcome using an augmented inverse probability weighted estimator. |
Estimates the hazard ratio of a treatment with time-varying predictors of censoring using inverse-probability weighted estimating functions |
A generic function to refit/re-estimate parameters described in a |
compare_fits: a function for computing the difference and 95% confidence interval between fit object point estimates using bootstrap estimates to generate a standard error |
Table-making functions |
Makes a unweighted or IP weighted Table 1 |
Create a table 2 displaying information such as the number of subjects, total amount of observed person-time, number of events, estimates and effect measures of interest, and confidence intervals. |
Summarizes weights from a set of objects that inherit from class |
Creates a table of the most extreme weights from an |
Plotting functions |
Plot a panel of (possibly overlayed) estimates of interest or effect measures and associated confidence intervals |
Plots a panel of propensity score histograms |
Produces a forest plot of cumulative risks or measures of effect |
Forest plot method for classes inheriting |
Model specification functions |
Specifies the data structure and models for a data set |
Helper function for identifying an outcome variable for a |
Helper function for identifying a censoring variable for a |
Helper function for identifying a treatmement for a |
Helper function for adding a competing risk feature to a |
Helper function for adding a subject identifier feature to a |
Helper function for identifying start and stop times for observations in a longitudinal data structure |
Helper function for activating missing data weighting for a |
Functions to modify model specification in a result object |
Updates the treatment information in a |
Updates the censoring information in a |
Updates the outcome information in a |
Updates the missingness information in a |
Updates a |
Miscellaneous functions used internally |
ggplot2 geom to create stairstep confidence bands for cumulative risk estimates |
Function that creates a vector of bootstrap resampling weights |
Checks standard arguments to estimation functions |
Estimating cumulative risk across a list of treatment protocols |
Computes confidence intervals for cumulative count estimates |
Computes confidence intervals for functions of cumulative count estimates |
Computes confidence intervals for cumulative risk estimates |
Computes confidence intervals for functions of cumulative risk estimates |
Builds a matrix of censoring indicators for a set of variables. |
Builds a matrix of censoring indicators for a set of variables. |
Computes cumulative risk differences and confidence intervals |
Computes cumulative risk differences and confidence intervals |
Estimates the cumulative risk of a right-censored outcome using |
estimate_censor_coxph: a function to estimate a censoring probability using coxph |
estimate_censor_cph: a function to estimate a censoring probability using cph |
estimate_censoring_prob: a function to estimate a probability a patient will be uncensored |
Estimates the cumulative count with time-varying predictors of censoring using inverse-probability weighted estimating functions |
Estimates the inverse_probability weights when no outcome is specified |
estimate_missing_glmnet: a function to estimate a missingness probability using logistic regression |
estimate_missing_prob: a function to estimate a missingness probability |
estimate_outcome_coxph: a function to estimate outcome probabilities at times in new data using coxph |
estimate_outcome_cph: a function to estimate an outcome risk using cph function in R |
estimate_ps: a function to estimate a propensity score |
estimate_ps_glm: a function to estimate a propensity score using glm logistic regression |
estimate_ps_glmnet: a function to estimate a propensity score using logistic regression |
Estimates crude event rates |
Extract the weights from a fitted IP weighted risk object |
find_covs: a function to identify covariates used in a model |
find_empty: a function to identify factors that only have individuals in a single level |
find_missing: a function to identify rows with missing data and variables that have missing values |
fit_coxph: a function to fit a coxph model |
A generic function to produce of forest plot estimates from |
Helper function for identifying a count variable for a |
Standard set-up needed by estimating functions |
is.aipw: a function for checking whether an object inherits from |
is.boot_est: a function for checking whether an object inherits from |
is.cumcount: a function for checking whether an object inherits from |
is.cumrisk: a function for checking whether an object inherits from |
is.gcomp: a function for checking whether an object inherits from |
is.ipw: a function for checking whether an object inherits from |
| a function for checking whether an object inherits from |
is.model_specification: a function for checking whether an object inherits from |
A function to estimate a propensity score using logistic regression |
Function to return a named list |
Plot a panel of (possibly overlayed) estimates of interest or effect measures and associated confidence intervals |
Plots a panel of (possibly overlayed) cumulative risk functions or cumulative risk differences and confidence intervals. |
Predict probabilities from a |
Provides a print method for |
Re-estimates a |
Re-estimates a |
Re-estimates a |
Iterates a simulation function design to assess bias across different boostrap procedures |
Evaluates the result of a simulation study |
Simulates a simple data structure with potential confounding from two variables, dependent censoring, and a competing risk |
Compute a standardized mean difference for two groups |
Stack cumulative count curves from each treatment group in a results object (or list of objects) in a matrix |
Stack bootstrapped cumulative count curves from each treatment group in a results object (or list of objects) in a matrix |
Stack cumulative risk curves from each treatment group in a results object (or list of objects) in a matrix |
Stack bootstrapped cumulative risk curves from each treatment group in a results object (or list of objects) in a matrix |
Helper function for make_table2.cumcount |
Helper function for make_table2.cumrisk |
Function for symmetric trimming predicted probabilites |
Updates the count information in a |
Updates the label in a result object |
Computes treatment weights |
Extract hazard ratios, confidence intervals and subgroup labels |
Datasets |
AIDS Clinical Trial Group (ACTG) Study Dataset |
Simulated example right censored data with confounding and dependant censoring. |
Simulated example right censored data with confounding, dependant censoring, and time-varying covariates. |
Simulated example data for |
Simulated example data for demonstration of the IPMW functionality of |
Simulated example data for demonstration of the cumulative count functionality of |
Leukemia Data Set |
WIHS Data Set |