
  1. Updates to make_table1:
    1. Fixed an issue with make_table1 that resulted in rows that had entries with 0 weights sometimes being dropped.
    2. Added make_table1 support for SMDs when there are more than two treatment groups. make_table1 now provides an SMD column for each pairwise combination of treatment groups.
  2. compute_cumcount_effect_ci now throws an error if an invalid boot_method input was provided.
  3. make_table2, plot, and forest_plot methods now explicitly check that cumulative count effect measures aren’t specified for cumulative risk methods and vice versa, and throw an error in such a case.
  4. Updates to compute_cumrisk_effect_ci and compute_cumcount_effect_ci:
    1. Ensure that effect_measure_type and boot_method are each strings
    2. Only check for valid combinations of effect_measure_type and boot_method when the input results object performed bootstrapping.
  5. The smd function now checks that the stratifying variable has exactly two levels in it.
  6. Documentation updates:
    1. Updated the object documentation for the following functions and methods: compute_cumcount_effect_ci, compute_cumrisk_effect_ci, make_table2, named_list, plot_boot_cumrisk, table2_helper_cumcount, table2_helper_cumrisk to include details about the various available effect measures.
    2. Created a new documentation entry called plot and moved the content from the plot.cumcount, plot.cumrisk, and plot.hr in the entry.
    3. Removed the effect_measure_select entry.
    4. Updated the documentation for the actg, example4, leukemia, and wihs datasets.
  7. Performed updates to the manual. Within the Estimating the cumulative risk of a right-censored counterfactual outcome section:
    1. Changed the title of the Estimation subsection to Estimating counterfactual cumulative risk using causalRisk.
    2. Split some of the content of the newly renamed Estimating counterfactual cumulative risk using causalRisk subsection into two new subsections Plotting counterfactual cumulative risk and effect measures and Table 2s for counterfactual cumulative risk and effect measures.
    3. Added new examples of creating plots and generating table 2s for risk ratios.
  8. The dependency lower bound for the gt package was increased from 0.6.0 to 0.9.0.


  1. estimate_ipwhr correctly handles function inputs with scopes outside of the lexical scope of the function definition.
  2. estimate_ipwrisk, estimate_gcomprisk, estimate_aipwrisk, estimate_aipwrisk_efficient, estimate_ipwcount, and estimate_ipwhr return objects now include an element called data rather than called dataq containing a value of the input data rather than a quosure.
  3. Moved large vignettes into vignettes/articles directory and excluded from build to reduce overall size of the bundled package.
  4. Added snapshot testing of all estimation functions against an array of data inputs, models, and parameters.


  1. Added a new function estimate_ipwhr which enables estimation of counterfactual hazard ratios with inverse probability of treatment weighting and inverse probability of missingness weighting. Objects produced by this function have class hr.

  2. Added a new vignette called Hazard ratios describing the theory and usage of estimate_ipwhr.

  3. Provided a new is.hr function to check whether an object inherits from the hr class.

  4. Added make_table2, forest_plot and plot methods for the hr class.

  5. Provided a new hr_data function, which takes results of estimate_ipwhr and returns a data frame with information backing the make_table2.hr and plot.hr methods.

  6. Added a new inspect_ipw_weights function that produces the per-subject weights for ipw objects.

  7. Exposed the boot_method formal argument to the existing make_table2, plot, and forest_plot methods.

  8. estimate_ipwrisk now produces per-subject weights (with the intention that they will be accessed by the user via inspect_ipw_weights).

  9. compute_cumrisk_effect_ci throws an error if an input of "log-normal" for boot_method is used with any input for effect_measure_type other than "RR" or "CR" since otherwise it can result in the logarithm function being evaluated for a non-positive values.

  10. compute_cumrisk_effect_ci throws an error if any input for boot_method is provided other than "normal" or "log-normal" rather than returning a data frame without variance information.

  11. Fixed a bug in compute_cumcount_effect_ci that would result in an unintended error when using a "log-normal" input for boot_method.

  12. make_table2.cumrisk now throws an error if any input for boot_method is provided other than "normal" or "log-normal".

  13. knitr and forcats are each removed from the list of Imports. knitr and rmarkdown are each added to the list of Suggests. The package lower bound for gt was changed from v0.5 to v0.6.

  14. Added testing for all new routines.

  15. Added testing of estimate_ipwhr per-subject weights.

  16. Added regression tests for estimate_ipwrisk to ensure that newer versions of the function produce the same cumulative risk results and variances as for v0.39.06.

  17. Added testing of boot_method input options for make_table2.cumrisk, make_table2.cumcount, plot.cumrisk, plot.cumcount, and forest_plot.cumrisk.

  18. Added an assertion that subject IDs are unique unless time-varying covariates specified. That is, across all estimators, prior to computing the estimates there is a check that there are no duplicated subject IDs. Duplicated subject IDs in the source data are only allowed if identify_interval is used to indicate time-varying data.


  1. Fixed bug that led to incorrect estimates when using trimming or subgrouping with time-varying covariates in the scenario where a person can appear in multiple treatment groups. Also fixed make_table1 to handle this case as well.


  1. removing the repos option to avoid installing a version of riskRegression that is too new


  1. including WIHS and ACTG data w/ package


  1. changed link to ACTG repository to updated domain


  1. fixed some typos in the documentation and removed warning messages due to deprecated functions


  1. make_table1 rewritten to utilize the gt package, thus allowing far more customization and exporting ability.


  1. Minor updates to remove deprecated functions


  1. Cleaned up documentation for compare_fits and allow user to choose alpha level for confidence intervals.


  1. Improved performance of estimate_aipwrisk when fully_efficient = TRUE, by rewriting the internal function integrator and helpers.


  1. Added compare_protocols functionality.


  1. Added compare_fits function, which allows for the comparison of multiple fit objects


  1. Updated license


  1. Fixed bug that caused start>stop time warnings when using time-varying covariates and times argument is provided.


  1. Allow censoring and outcome models to differ by level of treatment by passing them as a list.


  1. Fixed bug that prevented event and censoring ties from being broken correctly when subjects occur in multiple treatment groups and have longitudinal data.


  1. Fixed bug that led to incorrect outcome times in estimate_aipwrisk when competing risks are present. Bug was introduced in version 0.36.17.


  1. Updated documents to reflect behavior of SMR, normalized, and stablized weights as they are implemented in the package.


  1. Fixed bug that led to NaN risk estimates when no censoring model is specified, there are tied event times, the last observed event/censoring times are tied, and everyone either has the event or censoring.


  1. Fixed default behavior in forest_plot.cumrisk so that when no risk time is passed, it uses the maximum time in each input object.

0.37.12, 0.37.13

  1. Added parameter smd_lower_limit to make_table1 that causes SMDs lower than 0.01 to be displayed as “<0.01”.


  1. Fixed bug in make_table2 that caused errors when using the function within a subroutine.


  1. Fixed bug that caused error when using PS trimming when missing data are present.


  1. Fixed bug in make_table1 that caused error when missing data were present.


  1. Expanded the color palettes for plot.cumrisk and plot.cumcount to allow any number of treatment levels.


  1. Added the option to scale the rate without scaling the person-time using the scale_pt_display argument in make_table2.


  1. Added the option to calculate confidence intervals for rates with the calc_rate_ci argument in make_table2.


  1. Fixing bug in make_table2 that prevented selecting correct treatment reference level when multiple objects were passed.

0.37.3, 0.37.4

  1. Exporting trim_ps function for use in causalPHR package.


  1. Cleanup and optimization of efficient AIPW estimator.


  1. Fixed bug that was introduced due to the change of the behavior of the right_join fuction in dplyr.


  1. Added cumulative count estimation.


  1. Bug fix. Wrong denominator for overlap weights.


  1. Added overlap weights as an option.

  2. Added discussion of different weighting methods to manual.

  3. Bug fix. SMR weights were incorrect with more than 2 levels of treatment.


  1. Changed censoring behavior. Now, censoring by end of follow-up is not treated as a censoring event to be modelled by the censoring models. To replicate analyses conducted with older versions of the package, specify tau_censor = TRUE when calling the estimation function.

  2. Bug fix. When subgroup_ps is FALSE, the wrong n was being returned by the estimating functions.

  3. Bug fix. When user supplied weights or a subgroup, efficient AIPW threw an error.

  4. Bug fix. When missing data are present, the output prediction vector was the wrong length for AIPW.

  5. Bug fix. make_table1 was inconsistent when identify_subject() was used.

  6. Bug fix. When using R versions greater than 4, error was thrown when using efficient AIPW with null models.

  7. Fix warning related to RNG in future package.