Create a dataset that can be used to produce a PHR table 2

  effect_measure_type = "RD",
  rate_round = 2,
  pt_round = 0,
  pt_scale = 1,
  risk_round = 1,
  risk_time = NULL,
  alpha = 0.05,
  ref = 1,
  collapse_CI = FALSE



cumrisk objects supplied as seperate arguments or as a list


The type of effect measure to compute ("RD" risk difference, "RR" relative risk)


The number of significant digits used for rounding the rate when collapse_CI = TRUE


The number of significant digits used for rounding person-time when collapse_CI = TRUE


A scaling factor for the person time (default pt_scale = 1).


The number of significant digits used for rounding the risk


The desired time at which to extract the the cumulative risk and risk difference. If null, uses the maximum time common to all input objects.


The desired nominal significance level of the confidence intervals


The reference category for computing risk differences for groups with >2 levels.


Collapse the estimate and confidence interval to a single value.


A tibble in the format for upload to a PHR using nswpr


models = specify_models(identify_treatment(Statin, formula = ~DxRisk ),
                        identify_censoring(EndofEnrollment, formula = ~DxRisk),

fit2 = estimate_ipwrisk(example1, models,
                        times = seq(0,24,0.1),
                        labels = c("IPTCW main analysis"))

make_phr_table2(fit2, risk_time = 24)
#> # A tibble: 14 × 6
#>    row     column      value              lcl               ucl      cell_format
#>    <chr>   <chr>       <chr>              <chr>             <chr>    <chr>      
#>  1 Control crisk       0.440783294965121  0.373579331704194 0.50798… CI         
#>  2 Control criskfunc   NA                 NA                NA       CI         
#>  3 Control events      470                NA                NA       Default    
#>  4 Control n           3201               NA                NA       Default    
#>  5 Control person_time 22875.1444186661   NA                NA       Default    
#>  6 Control rate        0.0205463183706277 NA                NA       Default    
#>  7 Control time        24                 NA                NA       Default    
#>  8 Treat   crisk       0.524691612443825  0.500392662700333 0.54899… CI         
#>  9 Treat   criskfunc   0.0839083174787044 0.011213760989646 0.15660… CI         
#> 10 Treat   events      2099               NA                NA       Default    
#> 11 Treat   n           6799               NA                NA       Default    
#> 12 Treat   person_time 63932.5981510698   NA                NA       Default    
#> 13 Treat   rate        0.032831451570921  NA                NA       Default    
#> 14 Treat   time        24                 NA                NA       Default