Create a dataset that can be used to produce a PHR propensity score histogram

  cat = 2,
  binwidth = 0.02,
  weight = FALSE,
  wt_and_un_wt = FALSE,
  by_treat = TRUE



ipw objects supplied as a list or as seperate arguments


For multinomial propensity score, the arguments specifies which category probabilities are plotted.


The width of the histogram bins (default is 0.05).


If true, the histogram will be weighted with the treatment weights (default = FALSE)


If true, both weighted and unweighted results will be created (default = FALSE)


If TRUE, the histogram will be stratified by treatment group, otherwise it will depict the overall distribution of the PS in the sample. (default = TRUE)


A tibble in the format for upload to a PHR using nswpr


models = specify_models(identify_treatment(Statin, formula = ~DxRisk ),
                        identify_censoring(EndofEnrollment, formula = ~DxRisk),

fit = estimate_ipwrisk(example1, models,
                       times = seq(0,24,0.1),
                       labels = c("IPTCW main analysis"))

#> # A tibble: 102 × 4
#>    panel                    y     x group  
#>    <fct>                <dbl> <dbl> <fct>  
#>  1 IPTCW main analysis 0.0156  0    Control
#>  2 IPTCW main analysis 0.234   0.02 Control
#>  3 IPTCW main analysis 0.391   0.04 Control
#>  4 IPTCW main analysis 0.484   0.06 Control
#>  5 IPTCW main analysis 0.672   0.08 Control
#>  6 IPTCW main analysis 0.687   0.1  Control
#>  7 IPTCW main analysis 0.828   0.12 Control
#>  8 IPTCW main analysis 0.781   0.14 Control
#>  9 IPTCW main analysis 1.34    0.16 Control
#> 10 IPTCW main analysis 0.875   0.18 Control
#> # … with 92 more rows