- Cohort Defines the CohortSpecMap and supporting types, along
with core cohort-evaluation logic.
- Cohort.Cohort Defines the Cohort and related types used in core logic of producing a Cohort from subject-level data.
- Cohort.Core Internal module defining logic to process a list of
into aCohort
. - Cohort.Criteria Types and utilities related to
statuses for a given cohort. - Cohort.IndexSet
- Cohort.Output Methods for outputting a cohort
- EventDataTheory
- EventDataTheory.Core Defines the Event type and its component types, constructors, and class instance
- EventDataTheory.EventLines Defines FromJSON instances for Events.
- EventDataTheory.Test Provides test making functions for event models
- EventDataTheory.TheoryTest An internal module for testing event data theory functions on a dummy event data model
- EventDataTheory.Utilities
- Features Defines the Feature type and its component types, constructors, and class instances
- Hasklepias Everything you should need to get up and running with hasklepias.
- TestUtils
- Tests
- Variable